At-Large District

At-Large District Areas

The At-Large District consists of the following U.S. States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Utah. All Tsalagiyi Nvdagi Tribal citizens living in any U.S. Territory, Mexico, Canada or any foreign country fall under the jurisdiction of the At-Large District.

At-Large District Chief
Kent Malcom – Great Eagle

Tsalagiyi Nvdagi Tribe
2100 E St.
Lincoln NE 68510

At- Large Deputy Chiefs

National Deputy Chief
Curtis Watson

Deputy Chief
Courtney Kuhlman


Deputy Chief
Kent Malcom

Kansas, Nebraska

Deputy Chief
Jake Hoff

South Dakota, North Dakota

Deputy Chief
Rachelle Roby

Colorado, Utah

Deputy Chief
Linda Buchholz

Arizona, New Mexico

Deputy Chief
Roger DeCoster

Nevada, California

Deputy Chief
Dale Rogers

Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific Islands & Australia